Monday, 2 December 2013

Jumping off a plane…a new drug!

There I was at approx. 4000m above the ground huddled in a plane with two of my classmates – Mathias and Thibault. And when I say huddled, I mean it….this was probably smaller than the smallest plane I would ever dream of getting on…normally this would sound like a scene out of my worst nightmare. I have the biggest fear of heights and for years, I’ve dealt with the extreme uneasiness, clammy hands and discomfort every time I found myself atop a tall building, a monument, a sight-seeing trip, etc…..
So when my French classmate – Steeve (who has sky dived alone only 35 times!!) – suggested sky diving to me in September, he made sure I had a few glasses of wine in my system and of course, inspired by wine, I said yes….back then December was a long time away and I had completely forgotten about it until this past week when we started planning our trip to Sion!!!
But thanks to Steeve and my classmates and my buddies on that plane…I made that jump and here I am reflecting on one of the best experiences of my life….I’m quite sure this was the first of a serious of sky dives for me….
The minute we landed on the ground, Etienne, my tandem instructor who was latched on to my back asked, “Vikas, what’s the most dangerous thing you have done so far?” …of course, I answered this jump into the Swiss alps in Sion….to which he responded – “No, the most dangerous ones are yet to happen…now that you have landed safe, this adrenaline will become a drug and be the reason you do this again and again”. I later found out that it was Etienne’s 2000+ jump….
But this is exactly how a lot of us feel about life after this year at IMD….the drug is the new found appreciation for introspection and learning but the good part is that only great things can hopefully come out of this form of soul searching and ‘mind-diving’….

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