Sunday, 8 December 2013

89 Friends and me

“It’s like attending a graduation where you know everyone…and where you know their journey, their struggles, their joys…” said my wife after our graduation ceremony yesterday…
I’ve been extremely lost for words or emotions in the past 48 hours…I can’t identify, explain or decipher half of what I am feeling…my parents have been kind enough to come attend my graduation and yet, I feel like my mind is severely preoccupied and I feel moderately bad for not being able to give them my full attention even for a minute.
“We really liked your friends and how much you all share…” said my uncle who attended graduation…a senior executive and a MBA himself from the 90’s…. “you will meet them again and soon this will be another memory”…that thought seems to depress me more than his planned intention of cheering me up…
After the fantastic graduation ball yesterday thanks to the social committee, the music came to an end at 4 am followed by a group crying session from 4-6 am…I woke up today feeling “blah” and telling myself that I still have this last week for the final good byes…My best friend Ryan will be visiting this week and later this month I will be meeting with my closest friends travelling around Europe…this was the vacation I dreamed about the past few months….how will I explain to my friends back home, how and why people I know only for 1 year have become so close to me….what words can I use to explain the intensity and strength of this experience that connects the 90  of us…I can’t…
Last night, a friend introduced me to her mom because her mom wanted me to know how much she appreciated my blog and I said, that explains to me the 2 readers I have – my mom and this friends mom – I wish I could hold on to special moments like these shared with 89 friends…and I regret every moment I had ever wished for this program to come to an end…
I know this is not the usual positive end or spin to my regular blogs but this is also the first time I’ve felt this way this entire year…
And I couldn’t have said it better than when my wife described this graduation being one where you know every single person graduating and where you want to be there to applaud and share this special moment with every one of them!
Here's a video Truth and Dario put together for the graduation speech....
Vikas Menon

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