It's been a long 2 months since I last blogged at IMD...between December and now, my wife and I have been to Paris, Amsterdam, Brussels, Ghent, Cologne, Berlin, Dubai, Baroda, Goa, Mumbai, Coimbatore and now back to Dubai for so much needed R&R time! and the best part of the entire trip was not the locations but the fact that we got to spend it with our besties who joined us from China and Dubai!
Heineken Brewery Amsterdam |
There are days when all the events of last year seem surreal - being up at 7 am every morning after late nights preparing cases, meeting the sea of familiar faces at the Lorange auditorium in Lausanne, exercises and putting fish and alligators on the table during leadership experientials, intense sessions with a psychiatrist and the many stresses of exams, case preps and a job search...I found myself explaining all these to a friend at a party the other day and he looked at me like I was from another planet!
Luckily however between all the surreal-ness of this experience, we had the chance to celebrate our classmates weddings and also had the opportunity to have a mini reunion in India...nothing like an Indian wedding to bring everyone together and nothing like the beaches of Goa for a mini IMD reunion...
At Priya's wedding sangeet in Baroda with Steeve, Rafael and Tristan |
The IMD MBA 2013 group at the wedding in Baroda! |
Goa & an introduction to shack food! |
and finally, what can I say of being back home....nothing like catching up with old friends and family before we leave to Dublin for the next chapter in the journey in March...tune in for more details on the job front and more Dubai stories in the next entry...
hmmm...I wonder if my 2.5 readers are going to continue reading my blog post IMD but nevertheless its another one of those interests IMD has inspired in me and let's see how long I continue at it before it becomes another lost hobby! :-)